Thursday, September 16, 2010

Zella Goes to Preschool

I wrote this the day Zella started preschool but forgot to post it.  So here it is now...

Zella is starting 3-year preschool today.  She can barely contain her excitement!  She changed her outfit four times even though we had picked something out the night before.  She told me she wanted to wear her sparkle skirt because she thought it was one of those "I'm gonna shine" days. 

My sister Karen watched Maddie and Vi so I could take just Zella.  She loved her locker and was super excited to see her teachers.  There was only a brief moment where she wanted me to stay and play with her but it passed quickly.

She rode the bus home and thought it was (and I quote) "magical".  Travis and I were so proud of her!

She LOVES the music and dress-up clothes stations, snack time and recess.  She was thrilled to be a big girl and go to school like Madeline.

I missed her, of course, but am so excited for her.  I had a big lump in my throat when I left.  I'm not used to her being gone but I know it is good for her.

When Zella got home she said she had two words to describe preschool, "LOVE IT!"  She is so funny and unique and I hope she never ever loses that about herself. 

We're proud of you, Zell-bell.
Zella on her first day of preschool.

Showing off her kitty backpack from Aunt B.

Clendenen girls.

Too excited to smile for the camera.

Doing a puzzle.

Getting off the bus.