Sunday, October 28, 2007

Our weekend

Hello all. I can't believe it's the end of October already! Trick-or treating is on Tuesday night and we are getting excited. You know how I love Halloween! Madeline is going to be Strawberry Shortcake and Zella is going to be a Hershey's Kiss. Of course I'll post pictures.

On Friday we met mom for lunch at the coffee shop in town. Then we did a little shopping before she had to go back to work.

We had a good weekend. Bubba, my future brother-in-law (Kate's fiance) came on Saturday night to go pheasant hunting with Travis today. Travis got a bird but couldn't find it. They were out all day and came home in time for chili, homemade bread and apple crisp.

The girls and I went for a walk and played in the backyard today. This is my favorite time of year...not hot and not too cold.

Happy Birthday to my niece Gracie, who turns one today. They are in Scotland and we are missing them!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

And Baby makes Three

Congratulations Bonnie (my little sis) and Jay!

They are expecting a baby in early May next year. We are so happy for them. They love children and will make great parents.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Hooray for poop!

Hello all. We had an exhausting weekend. I had the flu Friday and Saturday. Poor Travis was left to not only take care of the girls, but deal with potty training Madeline. After getting peed on three times he made the executive decision to start using pull-ups. (I'm happy to report Madeline only had one accident today AND pooped on the potty! I have never been so excited about poop in my life. You'd think we'd won the lottery!)

I was feeling better Sunday but Travis was not. He went to bed early tonight and is trying to sleep it off.

Today I had to take Madeline to the doctor (again!) for a rash around her eye and a different rash on her legs. I am hoping the new medicine will work. (Three doctor visits and $105 so far) The girls were very good for the appointment luckily. Madeline got to wear her pink tutu from Aunt B so she was happy. She danced in the waiting room and kept saying "ta-da". We may have a performer on our hands. ha ha

There is a coffee/lunch shop attached to the pharmacy so while we were waiting for the prescriptions we ate lunch. We had fun and ran into a few friends...Becky Nielsen, Dawn Doughan, Tatum (Doughan) Hartman, her little girl Meya and Shannon Hasty. That's how you know I'm in a small town. :)

My niece Katelyn (Trav's sister Carrie's little girl) is having her tonsils removed on Wednesday so keep her in your prayers please.

Nothing much else is new. Hope all is well.

More later,

Friday, October 19, 2007

Big milestones!

What an exciting day. Zella took her first steps Thursday! It was so exciting. She was in the toy room "talking" with Granny. She took two steps and then fell. She took a step to me a couple times a little later. Travis hasn't got to see her do it yet unfortunately.

All day long she was standing for longer and longer periods of time. I thought she might be walking in a month or so but she decided to go for it today at 9 months old! I guess I will be chasing her around even more now. :)

Madeline had a big day also. She asked to wear her big girl panties and go potty on the toilet. (We were going to start Saturday and she heard me talking with my cousin about it.) She came up to me a half hour after announcing "no more diapers for me" and asked to go potty. She only had one accident today! What a big girl. I'm so proud. ;) She got to wear a pull up with a princess on it to bed and she was excited. Otherwise we are just using underwear and training pants so wish me luck with the laundry. ha ha

Tootsie rolls and stickers work wonders I tell ya. :)

Having only one kid in diapers will be like getting a raise. That is until we have another baby of course.

The girls have been really funny lately. A couple days ago we were eating supper and Madeline leaned towards Travis and said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" We were laughing and Zella then yelled out "Hola!" What a riot.

Zella can now say hi, uh-oh, mama, da da, mommy, snack and hola. I didn't know she could say hola until she yelled it.

Madeline also learned how to do a somersault. She is rolling all over the place now and even wanted to do one at the grocery store. I'll try to post video if I can figure out how to do it.

I'm especially missing my sister Karen (who is in Scotland) because I have no way to call her and tell her all the exciting news. I hope you are seeing this kk!

Hope all is well.
Love, Lori

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Photos

Hello all. I've been trying to post more photos in our online photo album. I've put quite a few up already. Take a look if you have time by clicking on the picture below or the "Our Online Photo Album" link on the right of this page.

Trip to Zoo Summer 07

Visit from Grandma and Aunt Kate July 07

Vacation at the fishing cabin 2007

These are a couple I put up. There are more...just following the link.

My brother Kurt has a blog now too. Check his out at:

Hope all is well.

More later,

Friday, October 12, 2007

Zella's 9 month Photos

Hello all. We've been so busy! First Karen (my sister) left for Scotland last Saturday. They arrived safely. Check out her blog at for details. It was hard to say goodbye but I know they are having an amazing time there.

On Friday night Trav's mom, sister Kate and cousin Steph came to visit. We had such a great time! They played with the girls and somehow beat me at Phase 10. :) I'm so glad they could come.

Then on Monday morning the girls and I went to Des Moines to see my best friends Jen and Heidi. We stayed with Jen, Alan and her two girls. Heidi and her two boys came over for a bbq and it was the first time all six kids played together. It was chaotic but FUN! I hope to see them more often! We got home yesterday and are exhausted.

While we were there we got Zella's 9 month photos taken. Her first pictures with her glasses! Adorable. :)

Hope all is well. More later,