Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year

Thirteen things I'd like to do in 2013:

  1. Show in actions and words how much I care about my family and friends.
  2. Remember to reply, not react to stressful situations.
  3. Take better care of myself so I don't get as easily frustrated or overwhelmed.
  4. Take more pictures!
  5. Blog more.
  6. De clutter my house (the children keep growing but the space does not).
  7. More dates with my cute hubby.
  8. Do a better job of keeping in contact with my friends.
  9. Get more sleep.
  10. Say YES to playing with the kids more.
  11. Raise even more money for Prevent Blindness Iowa's Vision Walk.  Can't wait to join in this cause with my family again.  The kids really got into it and I am so proud of them!
  12. Play the piano more.
  13. Persevere when I want to take the easy way out and give up on these goals!