Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Overheard at Our House

On Christmas Eve our church passes out candles and the congregations sings "Silent Night" by candlelight.

Zella had gotten a flashlight (with a sleeping bag/backpack) earlier and when the lights dimmed she yelled, "Oh no Papa!" Travis asked her what was the matter and she said "It's dark in here and I didn't bring my flashlight!"

Madeline insisted on holding the candle and I was trying to keep it upright. She tilted it and hot wax dripped on my hand. I said ouch, and told her to be careful. The rest of the conversation went like this...

Madeline: Mommy, are you tough?

Me: Yeah, I'm pretty tough.

Madeline: Mama...tough people don't say ouch.

Yep...I got slammed by my 3-year-old on Christmas Eve. :)

More later,

Long Time No Blog

I can't believe I haven't posted since October. That is like five years in the blog world. :) We have been very busy! Lots to catch you up on now that my computer is up and running again.

My computer died and we are having the pictures recovered, but I don't have them in my possession yet, so I won't be posting photos for awhile.

I am 33 weeks pregnant and look like I swallowed a basketball. This little girl is a mover and a shaker! (Just like her big sister Zella). The girls love talking and singing to my belly, and coming up with names for her. Currently Madeline would like to name her Rapunzel, and Zella would like to name her Sister. Travis and I thought we had decided on a name, but then I had a dream the baby was named something else. We have a little more time to figure it out, I suppose.

Madeline loves preschool. We were shocked at student/teacher conferences when her teacher told us she doesn't know Madeline that well because Madeline is so quiet in school. I almost fell off my chair. She is NEVER quiet at home! Always singing and telling stories. When I asked Madeline why she was quiet at school, she told me that school is very serious and she is there to learn. (sounds like her Aunt Kate!) She has made a lot of new friends and loves to do crafts.

Zella turned two three days after Christmas (I will have to make that a post of its own!). She is on "fast forward" all the time. She doesn't walk, she runs...she just goes and goes. She has a great vocabulary and just talks and talks all day. It has been fun listening to her put more sentences together and really get to hear what she is thinking about. Her glasses broke for the first time (I accidentally stepped on them after she threw them on the ground) so she has been wearing her old pair for two weeks.) She tells anyone who will listen that I broke her glasses on purpose. Little stinker!

Travis has had a lot going on. There are big changes on the horizon for us. Seriously big changes that require a post all its own. I will update you in a couple days.

We had a great holiday season! I hope you did as well.

Happy New Year!